Public consultation
- Launching for public consultation of the Applicant's Guide dedicated to Priority 2 - A Greener Region, Specific Objective 2.4 - Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience taking into account eco-system bassed approaches
Public consultation on the preparation of the next RO-BG Interreg Programme post 2027!
- Launching for public consultation of the Applicant's Guide dedicated to Priority 3 – An Educated Region, Specific Objective 4.2 - Improving Equal Access to Inclusive and Quality Services in Education, Training, and Lifelong Learning through Developing Accessible Infrastructure, including by Fostering Resilience for Distance and Online Education and Training!
- Launching for public consultation of the Applicant’s Guide for targeted call for operations of strategic importance (OSI) in the context of Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme
- Launching for public consultation of the applicant’s guide dedicated to the competitive call for operations under po 2, in the context of Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme