General Data
Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Programe is a programme financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The Programme was approved by the European Commission on the 30th of November 2022.
For updated information regarding the Programme status, check the EC Cohesion Open Data Portal.
Reported data regarding the implementation of Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme to the European Commission:
Newsletter regarding the progress of the Programme in 2024
The total budget of the Programme, including the technical assistance funds, is 207,457,162.0 euro (out of which 163,497,401.00 ERDF allocation).
The total allocation available for projects is 191 001 637.50 euro (out of which 152,801,310.00 ERDF allocation).
The Programme is organized along 4 priorities, broken down into 5 specific objectives, as follows:
- Priority 1: A well connected region
Total budget, including the technical assistance funds: 27.15 mil euro (21.40 mil euro ERDF)
The allocation available for projects: 25 mil euro (20 mil euro ERDF)
Specific objective 3.2:
Developing and enhancing sustainable, climate resilient, intelligent and intermodal national, regional and local mobility, including improved access to ten-t and cross-border mobility
- Priority 2: A green region
Total budget, including the technical assistance funds: 93.4 mil euro (73.61 mil euro ERDF)
The allocation available for projects: 86 mil euro (68.8 mil euro ERDF)
Specific Objective 2.4
Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, taking into account ecosystem-based approaches
Specific Objective 2.7
Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution
- Priority 3: An educated region
Total budget, including the technical assistance funds : 16.29 mil euro (12.84 mil euro ERDF)
The allocation available for projects: 15 mil euro (12 mil euro ERDF)
Specific objective 4.2
Improving equal access to inclusive and quality services in education, training and lifelong learning through developing accessible infrastructure, including by fostering resilience for distance and on-line education and training
- Priority 4: An integrated region
Total budget, including the technical assistance funds : 70.60 mil euro (55.64 mil euro ERDF)
The allocation available for projects: 65 mil euro (52 mil euro ERDF)
Specific objective 5.2
Fostering the integrated and inclusive social, economic and environmental local development, culture, natural heritage, sustainable tourism and security, in areas other than urban areas
Documents of the Programme
- The Interreg VI-A Romania – Bulgaria Programme is available here and the annexes here.
- The Communication Strategy is avaliable here.
- The Evaluation Plan is avaliable here.
- SEA Report is available in RO, EN, BG.
- The environmental statement is avaliable in RO, EN and BG.
- The European Commission Decision approving the Programme is available in RO and BG.
- The Territorial Analysis of the Romania-Bulgaria cross-Border Region is here.