Calls for Proposals
The indicative timetable for planned calls of proposals
Call 4 - Competitive call for project proposals dedicated to Priority 2: A Green Region, Specific Objectives 2.4 - Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience taking into account eco-system based approaches – climate change adaptation
Launching date: 18th of October 2024
The Applicant's Guide dedicated to operations under PO 2 financed by Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme:
Annexes to the application form for which a standard format exists
- Annex A1 Project statement
- Annex A2 Project partner statement
- Annex A3 State-aid self-assessment
- Annex A7 DNSH declaration
- Annex A8 Associated partner declaration (if applicable)
- Annex A9 Financial Capacity Self-Assessment
- Annex A10 Declaration 833/2014
In the preparation process of the application form, please have in mind the following documents, as part of the Applicant's Guide:
- Annex A Evaluation grids
- Annex B List of eligible expenditure approved by MC decision no 27/8 of May 2024
- Annex C Methodologies for using lump sums for project preparation and project closure approved by MC decision no 5/3rd of May 2023
- Annex D Complaint procedure for evaluation results
- Annex E SEA mitigation measures and indicators
- Annex F.1 Template Framework subsidy contract
- Annex F.2 Milestones for the activities_indicators
- Annex G Template co-financing contract
- Annex H Template Partnership Agreement
- Annex I DNSH Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria level
- Annex J Relevant national and EU legislation
- Annex K.1 Application form 2.4
- Annex K.2 Application form_ Budget (off-line format)
- Anexa L Check list of mandatory documents
Relevant documents to be considered when developing the application form:
- Guidance on monitoring Programme indicators for Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria
- Communication Starter Kit
- Manual for Visual Identity of the Programme
- Go Green!
- Code of Conduct for Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria
- Practical guide on fraud for applicants and project partners
- JEMS manual -
- Project implementation Manual -
The application forms should be submitted only in electronic format, via electronic system Jems, which can be accesed here:
The call deadline for submitting the applications in Jems is 17th of February 2025, 13.00 (EET).
Full package of the documents present above can be downloaded here.