Calls for Proposals

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Calls for Proposals

The indicative timetable for planned calls of proposals

Call 4 - Competitive call for project proposals dedicated to Priority 2: A Green Region, Specific Objectives 2.4 - Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience taking into account eco-system based approaches – climate change adaptation

Launching date: 18th of October 2024

The Applicant's Guide dedicated to operations under PO 2 financed by Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme:

Annexes to the application form for which a standard format exists 

In the preparation process of the application form, please have in mind the following documents, as part of the Applicant's Guide:

Relevant documents to be considered when developing the application form:

The application forms should be submitted only in electronic format, via electronic system Jems, which can be accesed here:

The call deadline for submitting the applications in Jems is 17th of February 2025, 13.00 (EET).

Full package of the documents present above can be downloaded here.


Closed calls for proposals