Building a sustainable model and partner network to support employment and labour mobility - ROBG-140
What is the purpose?
To encourage the labour mobility in key economic sectors in the cross-border area through creating conditions for balance between demand and supply on the labour market.
What is the budget?
593.492,79 euro, from which 504.468,84 euro FEDR
Who implements the project?
Lead beneficiary (LB): Industrial Association – Veliko Tarnovo
Beneficiary 2 (B2): Constanta Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Shipping and Agriculture (Romania)
Beneficiary 3 (B3): Bulgarian Industrial Association – union of the Bulgarian business (BIA)
What is the implementation period?
Start date: 2017-04-04
End Date: 2019-04-03
Period: 24 months
Where it is implemented?
Constanta in Romania
Veliko Tarnovo, Sofia in Bulgaria
What will happen?
- Identification of the key branches that can enable mobility of workforce, including creating long-term employment opportunities on both sides of the border;
- Development of competence catalogues of the targeted enterprises in the CBC region with description of the main knowledge, skills and competences required by the employers for the job positions with potential for labour mobility;
- Development of e-tools for competence assessment which will be identified and developed in compliance with the identified requirements for knowledge, skills and competence by the employers;
- Conducting a survey for at least 300 representatives of the target group on employment opportunities and creating a personal profile in terms of their age, education and qualification;
- Development of joint special e-training courses complied with the identified deficit of skills and competences among the target group.
- Development of special language courses for mobility of employees and job seekers which would potentially increase their chances for finding work in the program area;
- Provision of e-training for at least 300 representatives of the target group;
- Provision of joint training courses for HR experts from both sides of the border, thus improving their knowledge and skills in hiring employees from the other side of the border.
- Raise awareness on job opportunities throughout the border area;
- Developing information and advice for cross-border commuters and potential employers by creating and developing joint databases in service of labour mobility
- Information and publicity.
What will be the results (what is the contribution to the program)?
Programme outputs: 4 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area; 400 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training
Programme results: 50.000 people will have access to joint employment initiatives.
The project was finalised on 03.04.2019.
- 5 economic sectors on both sides of the border with potential for labour mobility selected through a jointly applied methodology;
- - Selecting 40 key positions in the selected economic sectors with identified potential for labour mobility;
- 5 bilingual competence catalogues with a description of the required knowledge, skills and competencies for the selected 40 key positions developed, validated and approved in Romania and Bulgaria;
- 1 trilingual internet portal . The modern design and the interactive screens allow easy and friendly access to the website resources - the CBC economic map, profiles of identified enterprises from both sides of the border with the potential to enable mobility of workforce from across the border, the competence catalogues, five e-tools for competency assessment, internet-based module for profiling unemployed and inactive persons, an e-learning platform (activity 8), an e-platform;
- 2 press conferences were organized (Veliko Tarnovo and Constanta).