Danube - I can hear you and I will not forget you, I can see you and I will remember you, I can recreate you and I can understand you - ROBG-7
What is the purpose?
To improve the sustainable use of natural heritage and resources and cultural heritage in cross-border region – Districts Vratsa and Ruse, Bulgaria and District Olt, Romania and to increase the number of tourist’s overnights.
What is the budget?
250.198,80 euro, from which 212.668,98 euro FEDR
Who implements the project?
Lead beneficiary (LB): The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa
Beneficiary 2 (B2): Center of Consultancy and Project Management – EUROPROJECT
Beneficiary 3 (B3): Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry
What is the implementation period?
Start date: 2016-02-03
End Date: 2018-02-02
Period: 24 months
Where it is implemented?
Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven, Vidin, Vratsa, Ruse, Montana, Silistra and Dobrich in Bulgaria
Giurgiu, Mehedinţi, Calarasi, Constanta, Dolj, Olt and Teleorman in Romania
What will happen?
- improved cross-border cultural cooperation
- increased awareness of the cultural heritage
- promoted cultural events and initiatives of the CBC regions
- increased number of visits to sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction
What will be the results (what is the contribution to the program)?
Programme outputs: increase with 1250 of expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attraction, 1 integrated tourism product
Programme results: the number of tourists’ overnights in the CBC region will increase with 250
The project was finalized.
- 1 study "Jewelry and embroidery, pottery, stonework and wood processing in the cross border region during different epoch" within Districts Vratsa and Ruse (BG) and Olt Country (RO)
- 1 Festival for ancient cultures and traditional crafts, Assembly “Crafts – yesterday, today and tomorrow”
- 1 International conference on the topic "Cultural and historical heritage in Miziya and Dacia"
- 2 summer workshops in pottery and embroidery in town of Slatina
- 3 summer workshops in jewelry, stone carving and woodworking / pottery in Vratsa
- 3 summer workshops in Ruse, with students and young people from the cross border region