
CBC LABORLAB - Developing an integrated and inclus...

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CBC LABORLAB - Developing an integrated and inclusive labor market at cross-border level - ROBG-142

What is the purpose?

To support the CBC integration of employment and labor mobility as a common “market” through creating CBC LABORLAB Model.

What is the budget?

663.918,08 euro, from which 564.330,35 euro FEDR

Who implements the project?

Lead beneficiary (LB): Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Calarasi (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation (ARoTT) (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Beneficiary 4 (B4): The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa

What is the implementation period?

Start date: 2017-05-05

End Date: 2019-05-04

Period: 24 months

Where it is implemented?

Calarasi, Mehedinti in Romania

Ruse, Vratsa in Bulgaria

What will happen?

  • Project preparation
  • Project management
  • CBC studies and structural analysis regarding future labor market evolutions
  • Developing and providing joint special vocational training programs
  • Creating CBC LABORLAB Cluster for supporting employment and labor mobility
  • Strategy and information campaigns regarding job opportunities & workforce mobility at CBC level
  • Communication, dissemination and publicity activities

What will be the results (what is the contribution to the program)?

Programme outputs: 23 types of initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area; 4720 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Programme results: 480 persons will have access to joint employment initiatives.


The project is finalized and the final report is submitted to MA.

- A CBC LABORLAB Strategy for employment, labor and social integration of disadvantaged people,.,based on the data collected within the study elaborated for CBC structural analysis regarding future labor market evolutions was relalized.

-The Association “LABORLAB CLUSTER” was established and registered to the Calarasi Court in the Registry of Associations and Foundations.

- 4 job fairs organized at CBC level with more than 2400 participants (both job seekers and employers).

The 4 job fairs were organized by the 4 project partners, as follows:

- LB: 22-25.03.2019 in Calarasi (618 persons

- B2: 15-18.04.2019 in Drobeta Turnu Severin (628 persons)

- B3: 09-12.04.2019 in Ruse(647 persons)

- B4: 22-25.04.2019 in Vratsa (593 persons).

4 training programmes were organized by the 4 project partners, in the following fields: English language, application of the principle of equality of chances in economic units, entrepreneurship and development of entrepreneurship skills and ITC.

1 web platform developed and it is available at the address

4 best practices events at CBC level organized and 8 awareness campaigns have been organized by the project beneficiaries.