
Cross Border virtual incubator for promoting emplo...

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Cross Border virtual incubator for promoting employment on bio agriculture, bio products processing and connected services - ROBG-141

What is the purpose?

To encourage integration of the cross-border area Dolj Pleven in terms of employment, labour mobility, business development in the field of bio agriculture, bio products processing and connected services.

What is the budget?

742.866,94 euro, from which 631.436,90 euro FEDR

Who implements the project?

Lead beneficiary (LB): Romanian Movement For Quality

Beneficiary 2 (B2): National Center for Information Service Association

What is the implementation period?

Start date: 2017-04-19

End Date: 2018-12-18

Period: 20 months

Where it is implemented?

Craiova, Dolj County, Romania

Pleven, Pleven District, Bulgaria

What will happen?

  • Elaboration of Studies regarding bio agriculture, bio products processing and connected services in the cross border area Dolj Pleven;
  • Integrated business oriented campaign for promotion of employment and entrepreneurship opportunities on bio agriculture, bio products processing and connected services on Dolj and Pleven:
  1. Elaboration and dissemination through informative sessions in Dolj and Pleven
  2. Promotional documentary film of successful stories on subject in the CB area;
  • Creation of online Business and Mobility tools tailored to the specific needs of job seekers and entrepreneurs in the DJ-Pleven CB area;
  • Training sessions on bio agriculture dedicated to students and graduated specialists in agriculture;
  • Training sessions on bio agriculture dedicated to rural citizens or unemployed from urban area;
  • Entrepreneurial training course;
  • Consultancy for certification on bio-agriculture products:

1. Soil sampling analysis for 100 farmers, Romanian and Bulgarian;

2. Vocational Training session for organic inspectors;

3. Creation of a system of information “Help Desk”;

  • Integrated measures for Bio products Marketing:

1 On line bio product show case for marketing of bio products within BIOVIRTINC;

2. Training course for sales agent on bio products;

3. Consumer awareness and education on bio products;

  • A common strategy and action plan for job creation and cross-border mobility by developing business on bio agriculture, bio products processing and connected services;
  • Elaboration of information and publicity materials.

What will be the results (what is the contribution to the program)?

Programme outputs:

- 28 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area;

- 700 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training;

- 100 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders

Programme results: population that have access to joint employment initiatives – 151,099 people from Dolj - Pleven.


The project was finalized on 18.12.2018.


-        2 specialized studies in the bio agriculture field, for Dolj – Pleven area;

-        12 training sessions on bio agriculture;

-        8 counselling sessions;

-        2 training sessions for certifying sales agents on bio products;

-        1 training session certifying organic inspectors;

-        1 system of information Help Desk;

-        1 online showcase for marketing of bio products;

-        1 common strategy and action plan for job creation and cross-border mobility;

-        1 integrated business oriented campaign;

-        1 business and mobility tools,;

-        100 beneficiaries of soil samples analysis;

-        2 documentary films in the bio agriculture field.