
UCLM -United for a Common Labor Market: an integra...

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UCLM -United for a Common Labor Market: an integrated approach for labor mobility within the cross-border area between Romania and Bulgaria - ROBG-131

What is the purpose?

The main objective of the project is to ensure safety transport through the improvement of the transport water infrastructure of Danube river between Giurgiu and Ruse

What is the budget?

524.957,17 euro, from which 446.213,59 euro FEDR

Who implements the project?

Lead beneficiary (LB): EMMA Foundation (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): European Information Centre (Bulgaria)

What is the implementation period?

Start date: 2017-03-03

End Date: 2018-06-02

Period: 15 months

Where it is implemented?

Giurgiu, Teleorman in Romania

Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse in Bulgaria

What will happen?

  • Developing a CBC joint network of LPAs, recruitment companies and vocational schools
  • Vocational training for youth in both regions
  • An awareness campaign for promoting employment opportunities throughout the CBC area
  • A CBC online job platform for economic interconnections between stakeholders
  • Creating joint methods and common tools

What will be the results (what is the contribution to the program)?

Programme outputs: 12 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area; 1030 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training; 2000 participants in joint educational and training schemes to support youth employment, educational opportunities and higher and vocational education across borders;

Programme results: 234,607 persons from Giurgiu, Teleorman, Veliko Turnovo and Ruse municipalities will have access to joint employment initiatives


The project was finalized on in June 2018.

Sociological study to identify the needs and demands of the labor market within the cross-border communities was realised in each country and the results were presented in a dedicated conference on 30.06.2017, in Giurgiu.

The cross border network was created by recruiting organizations, Local Public Authorities s and vocational schools, which got together to discuss the labour market and the opportunities for common projects and cooperation in 4 network meeting organized in Veliko Tarnovo (20.07.2017), Giurgiu (28.07.2017), Ruse (05.10.2017) and Alexandria (13.10.2017).

2 guides - “The Romania – Bulgaria cross border employers guide” and the “The Romania – Bulgaria cross border employee guide” were developed and printed out in 2000 copies.

A bilingual job portal aiming at the interconnection of jobseekers with employers was created, populated with available jobs and published at

Four cross-border job fairs were organized in Veliko Tarnovo (18-19.10.2017), Giurgiu (20-21.10.2017), Ruse (06-07.03.2018) and Alexandria (20-21.04.2018).

Vocational guidance, counseling and psychological attitude testing sessions were implemented for 50 students in Giurgiu and 50 students in Ruse, 50 students in Teleorman and 502 students in Veliko Tarnovo.

More information on the project is available on the project website that can be accessed at