
JEROME- Capabilities and interoperability for join...

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JEROME- Capabilities and interoperability for joint Romanian-Bulgarian cross-border first responder intervention to chemical-biological-radiological-nuclear-high yield explosive - ROBG-121

What is the purpose?

To improve specific field activities conducted by specialized Police structures immediately after an event implying chemical-biological-radiological-nuclear-high yield explosives (CBRNe).

What is the budget?

5.999.095,98 euro, from which 5.099.231,59 euro FEDR

Who implements the project?

Lead beneficiary (LB): National Research-Development Institute for Materials Physics – NIMP (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): General Inspectorate of Romanian Police (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Ministry of Interior (Bulgaria)

What is the implementation period?

Start date: 2016-12-30

End Date: 2018-06-29

Period: 18 months

Where it is implemented?

Mehedinti, Calafat, Dolj, Oltin Romania

Montana, Vidin, Vraca in Bulgaria

What will happen?

  • Providing identical mobile equipment to CBRNe police intervention units from both border sides for detection of hazardous materials
  • Providing means for rapid deployment and efficient containment
  • Providing interoperability at all levels between CBRNe response units from both sides of the border
  • Initiating the establishment of RENFLAB, a regional environmental forensic laboratory to act as certifying analytical support body for the region
  • Providing equipment for NIMP laboratory
  • Information and publicity activities – press conferences, media events, website development

What will be the results (what is the contribution to the program)?

Programme outputs: 1 joint partnership in the field of joint early warning and emergency response

Programme results: raising the quality of response and recovery in case of CBRNe events in the CBC area


The project is finalized.

The main project output - CBRNe mobile units for the Romanian and Bulgarian special intervention teams - was procured via a single procurement procedure organized by the LB. The CBRNe equipment was delivered, installed and commissioned at the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police (B2) and the BG Ministry of Interior (B3) and the staff was trained in operation of the equipment in May 2018. A laboratory, composed of Particle Size Analyzer and Supply of XRF Spectrometer was also purchased by the LB.

The project website is available at