To help you get answers to your questions regarding the 4th call, dedicated to Priority 2: A Green Region, Specific Objective 2.4, the Joint Secretariat will organize interactive online support sessions for potential applicants.
The interactive support sessions will be held online every Thursday, starting November 28, 2024 to February 6, 2025.
If you would like to meet us to clarify various aspects of the competitive call for Priority 2, please go to the registration link here, where you can choose one of the available days and times:
- November 28, 2024,
- December 05, 2024,
- December 12, 2024,
- December 19, 2024,
- January 16, 2025,
- January 23, 2025,
- January 30, 2025,
- February 06, 2025.
Interactive support sessions for potential applicants will be conducted on a first-come, first-served basis and in compliance with established participation rules.
Please note that each potential applicant will benefit from only one support session. Also, only one support session will be given for each project idea.
To benefit from a support session please complete the registration form at the following link here.