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Priority 1: A well connected region

Total budget, including the technical assistance funds: 27.15 mil euro (21.40 mil euro ERDF)

The allocation available for projects: 25 mil euro (20 mil euro ERDF)

Specific objective 3.2:

Developing and enhancing sustainable, climate resilient, intelligent and intermodal national, regional and local mobility, including improved access to ten-t and cross-border mobility.

The Programme has a strategic approach to addressing cross-border mobility and connectivity in the area.

Two operations of strategic importance could be financed under the Priority 1, SO 3.2:

DISMAR – Danube Integrated System for MARking

  • Lead Partner: River Administration of the Lower Danube Galati – AFDJ Galati Partners: Executive Agency for exploration and maintenance of the Danube River – EAEMDR Ruse
  • Indicative budget: 8,000,000 euro (ERDF)

Enhancing rail connectivity and mobility across the Danube Potential

  • Lead Partner/Partners: Romanian and Bulgarian ministries; Romanian and Bulgarian Railway National Companies, other actors relevant for this field
  • Indicative budget: 12,000,000 euro (ERDF)

Please find some examples of supported actions enhancing rail connectivity and mobility across the Danube (non-exhaustive list):

connected.png Elaboration of feasibility studies for the electrification and digitalization of the railway infrastructure;

connected.png Designing and implementing sustainable transport tools and solutions for better connectivity and mobility in the CBC area, for the railway transport, including, but not limited to: safety, territorial deployment, reliability, efficiency, real-time knowledge of schedules, traffic and ticketing etc.;

connected.png Identifying and addressing the missing links and bottlenecks in rail and river crossing infrastructure: studies, strategies, joint solutions, joint tools etc.;

connected.png Improving and expanding rail transport: studies regarding traffic safety, awareness campaigns, connectivity/mobility studies for understanding freight and passenger flows, commuting etc.;

connected.png Designing and implementing integrated solutions for supporting mobility and connectivity in time of crisis;

connected.png Designing and implementing sustainable transport solutions for better connectivity and mobility in the area;

connected.png Modernization, upgrading and expanding the rail infrastructure Works for railway modernization (including electrification of the railway lines and introduction of the ERTMS / ETCS railway signalling system);

connected.png Works for modernization, reconstruction and construction of railway stops and stations.

Also, examples of actions improving the navigation conditions and safety on the Danube and Black Sea in order to enhance the mobility and connectivity in the cross-border area (non-exhaustive list):

coonected.png Reducing administrative burden and other types of bottlenecks: studies, analyses, solutions, tools;

coonected.png Developing and implementing joint co-ordinated strategies, tools and pilot applications to improve the navigation conditions on Danube and Black Sea (e.g, joint feasibility studies, engineering planning documents, morphological and hydrodynamic studies in establishing the sediment accumulation conditions etc.);

coonected.png Developing and implementing integrated measures to improve the navigation conditions for the common sector of the Danube and the Black Sea in the CBC area (e.g. integrating the marking systems on Danube, equipment, signaling etc.).



Output Indicator



Result Indicator



PSO2 Length of waterway supported in the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border area

470 km

RCR104 Solutions taken up or up-scaled by organizations


2 solutions

RCO84 Pilot actions developed jointly and implemented in projects

1 pilot actions


RCO83 Strategies and action plans jointly developed

1 strategy/ action plan

RCO87 Organizations cooperating across borders

4 organisations

RCR84 Organizations cooperating across borders after project completion

2 organisations

PSO1 Length of rail reconstructed or modernised – in the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border area

0.5 km

RCR 58 Annual users of newly built, upgraded, reconstructed or modernised railways

5,000.00 passenger-km/ year