Closed calls for proposals

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Closed calls for proposals


Call 1- Call dedicated to the operations of strategic importance (OSI)

Launching date: 10th of May 2023

  • Please see CORRIGENDUM 05.02.2025 to the Applicant's Guide!
  • Please see CORRIGENDUM 22.03.2024 to the Applicant's Guide!
  • Please see CORRIGENDUM 6.11.2023 to the Applicant's Guide!
  • Please see CORRIGENDUM and use the revised versions for Annex A1 Project Statement, Annex A 2 Project partner statement and Annex A 10 Financial Capacity Self-Assessment.

The Applicant's Guide dedicated to operations of strategic importance (OSI) financed by Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme:

In the preparation process of the application form, please have in mind the following documents, as part of the Applicant's Guide:

Relevant documents to be considered when developing the application form:

The call is dedicated to the following operations of strategic importance:

  • DISMAR - Danube Integrated System for Marking
  • Rail connectivity - Enhacing rail connectivity and mobility across the Danube
  • STREAM 2 - Streamlining cross-border cooperation: Joint approach in disaster resilience
  • Danube risk - Danube risk prevention

The application forms should be submitted only in electronic format, via electronic system Jems, which can be accesed here:

The call deadlines for submitting the applications in Jems are:

  • Rail connectivity- deadline 3th of January 2024, 12.00 (PM)
  • Danube Risk- deadline 1st of July 2024, 13.00 (PM)
  • DISMAR și STREAM 2 - deadline 11th of September 2023, 12.00 (PM)

The full package of the documents present above, revised on the 6th of November 2023 can be downloaded here. 

The revised full package of the documents present above can be downloaded here.

Full package of the documents present above can be downloaded here.



Call 3 - Call dedicated to operations under Priority 3, Policy Objective 4, SO 4.2 - Improving equal access to inclusive and quality services in education, training and lifelong learning through developing accessible infrastructure, including by fostering resilience for distance and on-line education and training

Launching date: 7th of May 2024

Please consult CORRIGENDUM 18.12.2024 in the Applicant's Guide

The Applicant’s Guide for the open call for the operations under Priority 3, Policy Objective 4, SO 4.2 financed by Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme:

In the preparation process of the application form, please have in mind the following documents, as part of the Applicant's Guide:

Relevant documents to be considered when developing the application form:

The application forms should be submitted only in electronic format, via electronic system Jems, which can be accesed here:

The call deadline for submitting the applications in Jems is 9th of September 2024, 13.00 (PM).

Full package of the documents present above can be downloaded here.



Call 2 - Competitive call for project proposals dedicated to Priority 2: A Green Region, Specific Objectives 2.4 and 2.7.

Launching date: 10th of May 2023

The call was closed on September 11, 2023.

  • Please see CORRIGENDUM and use the revised versions for Annex A1 Project Statement, Annex A 2 Project partner statement and Annex A 10 Financial Capacity Self-Assessment.

The Applicant's Guide for the competitive call for projects dedicated to Priority 2: A Green Region, Specific Objectives 2.4 and 2.7, financed by Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme:

In the preparation process of the application form, please have in mind the following documents, as part of the Applicant's Guide:

Relevant documents to be considered when developing the application form:

The application forms should be submitted only in electronic format, via electronic system Jems, which can be accesed here:

The call deadline for submitting the applications in Jems is 11th of September 2023, 12.00 (PM).


The revised full package of the documents present above can be downloaded here. 

Full package of the documents present above can be downloaded here.