1st meeting of the Monitoring Committee for Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme

The management structures of Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme organized today, February, 28, 2023, in Constanța, the 1st meeting of the Monitoring Committee (MC) for Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme.
Following the approval of the Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme by the European Commission on the 30th of November 2022, the setting up the Monitoring Committee for the Programme represents an important step in the preparation of the implementation framework of the Programme.
During this meeting, the following documents of strategic importance were discussed and approved by the Monitoring Committee members: the Rules of procedure of the Monitoring Committee and the Code of Conduct, the Technical Assistance Strategy of the Programme, the indicative table for the planned calls for proposals.
As well, the representatives of the Managing Authority presented MC members and invite them to discuss upon the first two applicant’s guides for the targeted call for operations of strategic importance (S.O. 3.2- Cross-border mobility and connectivity and S.O.2.4.- Climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention) and for the open call for the operations under Priority Objective 2- A greener low-carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy and resilient Europe (S.O. 2.4- climate change adaptation and S.O. 2.7- protection of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure). These documents are currently published on the Programme website for public consultation so that interested stakeholders may send their feedback till 15th of March 2023 at robg@mdlpa.ro.
We invite you to be active and play an important role in the design of the new calls, as your ideas and future projects can make a significant contribution to the development of our cross-border area!