Tic tac! Just a few days until the deadline for strategic project ideas!
November 18, 2020
The future Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme will finance strategic project ideas (Policy Objective 3, A More Connected Europe).
This is the moment to apply with your project idea, as based on the project ideas received, we will build the future Programme. A list of strategic projects will be included in the new Programme!
In order to apply, follow these steps:
- Download the methodology
- Think how you can improve the border and fill in the Concept Note.
- Make double sure the criteria for strategic projects (available at point 1) are observed.
- Send it to us at connected.ro.bg@gmail.com.
Something unclear? Contact Mr. Vlad Irimie, consultant (vlad.irimie@civitta.com ).
For further details, please access the following link