The season of events dedicated for the promotion of the open competitive call under Priority 2: A green region, Specific Objective 2.4 and 2.7 has just started!!
May 15, 2023
For presenting and discussing with our potential beneficiaries the general rules and conditions for applying under the competitive call dedicated to Priority 2: A green region, Specific Objective 2.4 and 2.7, officially launched on the 10th of May 2023, during May and June 2023, we will organize the following interactive events:
- 22nd of May 2023- online event (webinar)
- 12th of June 2023- online event (webinar Q&A dedicated to electronic system Jems)
- 14th of June 2023- onsite event (workshop with a “partner search” section included) in Ruse, Bulgaria
- 28th of June 2023- “partner search” forum online
Please save the dates!! Details on these events will be posted soon on our Programme FB and website page.
More events and initiatives on this topic will be made available for you during this summer, stay tuned!! We look forward to have you on board with us!