The open call dedicated to Education is now open!

The applicant guide for projects under Priority 3: An Educated Region, Specific Objective 4.2 - Improving Equal Access to Inclusive and Quality Services in Education, Training, and Lifelong Learning through Developing Accessible Infrastructure!’ is now available for applicants!
Today, the 7th of May 2024, we launch the open call dedicated for projects under Priority 3: An Educated Region, Specific Objective 4.2 - Improving Equal Access to Inclusive and Quality Services in Education, Training, and Lifelong Learning through Developing Accessible Infrastructure!’
15,000,000 euros are allocated for projects focusing on education under Priority 3, Specific Objective 4.2!
You can find all details and rules regarding the application submission process through the electronic system Jems in the Applicant’s Guide and the annexed documents, available for consultation here.
Please take into consideration that your application should be submitted only in electronic format, via electronic system Jems, which may be accessed here:
Also, have in mind that it is very important to identify and to submit the application under the corresponding section on Jems dedicated to the call:
• Small scale project – Call 3_Specific Objective_Small Scale Projects
• Hard project - Call 3_Specific Objective_Hard Projects
• Small project - Call 3_Specific Objective_Soft Projects
The deadline for submitting the applications in Jems is the 9th of September 2024, 13:00! For constant updates, please follow our website and our Facebook page: