
Development of Environmentally Friendly Cultures i...

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Development of Environmentally Friendly Cultures in Giurgiu and Ruse Counties - ROBG00132

What is the purpose?

Specific Objective: 2.7 - Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution

General objective is the joint promotion and development of niche crops on small areas and related ecosystems services, such as lavender, berries, sea buckthorn up to 1 ha in Giurgiu and Ruse County. The project will contribute to the INTERREG VIA Ro-Bg program's objective of protecting nature and biodiversity. At the end of the project, there will be increased the number of niche crops in the region.

The project will tackle new, very limited fields until the current call for proposals: biodiversity and green infrastructure and will provide pilot actions in the above-mentioned areas. Also, there will be put together pubic administration, NGO s and actors from the local labor markets (local agricultural workers to reduce migration).

What is the budget?

666.024,35 euro, from which 532.819,47 euro FEDR and 133.204,88 euro National Contribution

Who implements the project?


Beneficiary 2 (B2): Municipality Slivo Pole, Bulgaria

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Udriste Nasturel HIGH SCHOOL, Romania

What is the implementation period?

Start date: 2024-12-20

End Date: 2026-06-19

Period: 18 months

Where it is implemented?

Giurgiu county (Romania) and Ruse district (Bulgaria)

What will happen?

  • Field surveys, data collection, analysis and report creation;
  • Stakeholder workshops for iniatial feedback & Drafting  strategy;
  • Stakeholder workshops for feedback;
  • Dissemination&Promotion: Disseminate to relevant stakeholders.Develop a communication plan.Create a list of interested stake-holders. Create the message and disseminate it to the target audience;
  • Selection and acquisition of equipment and and works necessary for the establishment of pilot-crop ecosystem;
  • Test technology and cultivation: Plant the selected crops. Monitoring and feedback loop, Regularly monitor crop growth, health, and environmental impact;
  • Documentation of pilot project findings: Record the successes and challenges faced during the pilot project for future reference and scaling;
  • Communication Objective 2 : Promote the pilot  research results to farmers and potential entrepreneurs;
  • Organize local events to educate the community about eco-friendly practices and the new eco-brands. Online campaign and media outreach: Utilize social media platforms and local news outlets;
  • Brand design and strategy: Collaborate with local farmers and public stake-holders to design unique eco-brands and develop a marketing strategy for them and for ecosystem services related to it;
  • Partnerships and collaborations: Foster partnerships with local businesses, NGOs, and governmental bodies to support and promote the eco-brands and sustainable farming initiatives.

What will be the results (what is the contribution to the program)?

  • PSO3 - Tools implemented for mitigating pollution: 1
  • RCO84 - Pilot actions developed jointly and implemented in projects: 4
  • RCO87 - Organizations cooperating across borders: 3
  • RCO36 - Green infrastructure supported for other purposes than adaptation to climate change: 1 ha
  • PSR3 - Population living within the area covered by the tools implemented for mitigating pollution: 5,000
  • PSR3 - Population living within the area covered by the tools implemented for mitigating pollution: 5,000
  • RCR104 - Solutions taken up or up-scaled by organisations: 1
  • RCR84 - Organisations cooperating across borders after project completion: 3
  • RCR95 - Population having access to new or improved green infrastructure: 300


The project is currently under implementation.