In attention to all our applicants!
July 28, 2023
The Corrigendum to the Applicant’s Guide for the Targeted call for operations of strategic importance (OSI) and the Applicant’s Guide for the Open call for the operations under PO 2 was approved by the Monitoring Committee!
The Corrigendum to the Applicant’s Guide for the Targeted call for operations of strategic importance (OSI) and the Applicant’s Guide for the Open call for the operations under PO 2 clarifies the condition applicable to the Bulgarian applicants regarding the public property. As such, the condition included in both applicant’s guides is: For Bulgarian applicants, in case of infrastructure and works, the investment activities should be carried out on public property, both public and private domain of the state/municipality (the applicant must prove the right to own the public property or the concession of that property).
Also, some changes were included in the following annexes to both applicant’s guides:
- Annex A1 Project statement (Lead partner declaration)
- Annex A 2 Project partner statement (Project partner declaration)
- Annex A 10 Financial Capacity Self-Assessment
The Corrigendum and the revised documents are posted on our website (section Calls for Proposals) here.
Revised full package of the documents present above can be downloaded here.