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EuroVelo6 in Romania and Bulgaria

The EuroVelo6 route is part of EuroVelo, a European network set up by the European Cyclists’ Federation.

EuroVelo6 goes from the Atlantic to the Black Sea.

In Romania and Bulgaria, EuroVelo 6 stretches on a length of more than 600 km. Cyclists may choose between the Northen branch, through Romania and the Southern branch, through Bulgaria or, even better, alternate their ride after passing the Danube on bridges, by ferry or by train.

The EuroVelo 6 in Romania and Bulgaria is still under development. The Strategy Board decided to support the construction of the EuroVelo6 and of its adjacent routes and infrastructure. The itinerary of the route approved by SB respects the following map:


A more detailed map of EV 6 in Romania and Bulgaria may be accessed here, on Google maps.

In order to access quality information about other velo routes in Romania as well as relevant regulations, you may check the website of the National Velo Coordination Center.