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Developing the Romania-Bulgaria territorial analysis of the cross-border area

A territorial analysis of the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border area for identifying the territorial needs, challenges, potential and investment priorities, as well as to identify potential project ideas, was carried out in 2019-2020.

In this regard, we have performed an online survey (23 December 2019 – 21 January 2020) aiming to collect the stakeholders’ opinion regarding the territorial needs, challenges, potential and investment priorities, as well as to identify potential project ideas.

Four stakeholders’ workshops targeting the entire border area have been organised, to discuss and validate the first findings of the territorial analysis.

The workshops have been organised in:

Each workshop consisted in discussions on the main problems, challenges, needs and opportunities in the CBC region and on the main objectives and priorities of the next Interreg Romania – Bulgaria Programme.

Two focus groups have been also organised, engaging the stakeholders in feedback and assessment discussions on the viability of the objectives’ selection and their potential territorial impact.

The events have been organised in:

The Territorial Analysis of the Romania-Bulgaria cross-Border Region is here.

A summary of the main findings of the Territorial Analysis of the Romania-Bulgaria cross-Border Region is here.

The European Commission has drafted the Border Orientation Paper regarding the future Programme, which was considered during the programming process.



Two online workshops were organized on the 17th of January 2022 for Western stakeholders’ group and 18th of January 2022 for Eastern stakeholders’ in order to discuss the new Interreg VI-A Romania-Bulgaria Program and future funding opportunities.

The 140 participants were engaged in thematic sessions and learned more about common challenges and investment needs. The workshops were interactive, specific questions were asked about priorities and discussed potential project ideas.

The presentation for the two workshops can be accessed here.