DISMAR Project was selected for funding!
January 18, 2024DISMAR is an operation of strategic importance, submitted under the Priority 1 - A well connected region, Specific Objective 3.2. Developing and enhancing sustainable, climate resilient, intelligent and intermodal national, regional and local mobility, including improved access to TEN-T and cross-border mobility. The project has a total budget of almost 10 million euro (out of which almost 8 million euro supported from ERDF).
The Lead Partner of the project is River Administration of the Lower Danube Galati – AFDJ Galati and Partner: Executive Agency for exploration and maintenance of the Danube river–EAEMDR, Ruse.
The main objective is to enhance and maintain a sustainable and climate resilient transportation network by further developing the Danube waterway infrastructure.
In the upcoming days the contracting stage will start. More details, including the lists of selected and contracted projects will be soon published on the website, under the section Projects!