
Green Harmony: Fostering Ecosystem Resilence Throu...

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Green Harmony: Fostering Ecosystem Resilence Through Investments in Urban And Peri-Urban Green Areas in Vetovo And Giurgiu - ROBG00157

Care este scopul?

Specific Objective: 2.7 Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution

The goal of the Green Harmony project is to rejuvenate and modernize urban and peri-urban green spaces in Vetovo and Giurgiu, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for their citizens. By investing in these areas, the project seeks to create attractive, accessible, and environmentally sustainable spaces that promote biodiversity, mitigate pollution, and serve as educational hubs for the communities.

Care este bugetul?

3.492.196,65 euro, din care 2.793.757,31 euro FEDR

Cine implementează proiectul?

Beneficiar Lider (BL): Municipality of Vetovo (Bulgaria)

Beneficiar 2 (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit - Giurgiu Municipality (Romania)

Care este perioada de implementare?

Data de începere: 2024-12-18

Data de încheiere: 2027-12-17

Durata: 36 luni

Unde se implementează?

Vetovo Municipality – Bulgaria, Giurgiu Municipality –Romania

Ce se va întâmpla?

  • Planning and preparation - project planning, technical assistance and developing construction strategies for both partners;
  • Planning and preparation - project planning, technical assistance and developing construction strategies for both partners;
  • Green infrastructure in urban and peri-urban area - construction and improvement of public recreation area on the banks of the Beli Lom river in Vetovo and in Giurgiu modernising the area around Lake Prietenia;
  • Communication - Communication plan, organization of joint opening and final conference, Facebook page, Publication regarding project on Municipality Giurgiu's website and Municipality Vetovo's website, Short video;
  • Elaboration of a cross-border methodology for efficient management of municipal parks and green areas.  

Care vor fi rezultatele (care este contribuția la program)?

  • RCR84- Organisations cooperating across borders after project completion: 2
  • RCR84- Organisations cooperating across borders after project completion: 2
  • RCR104- Solution taken up or up-scaled by organisations: 1
  • PSR3- Population having access to new or improved green infrastructure:  23 656

Stadiul proiectului

The project is currently in under implementation.